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A Haunting Experience
carving pumpkins
lisaclara asked:

I’ve heard of these devices that are like drills, – do they work? How does Martha Stewart carve those pumpkins with the most intricate artwork? I found a great Greek symbol I want to carve and it will just be amazing – but it will require a bit of a challenge to do. If I don’t find the right thing to carve with I’m going to go through alot of pumpkins before getting it right!

5 Responses to “What is the best device to carve intricate designs for pumpkin carving?”

  1. Some (all?) of the carving kits come with little bitty saw blades, that should work pretty well, but may tire your hand out pretty good.

    I once did one of a person. Used a photo and created a pattern on the computer. Was a lot of detailed work, but it turned out pretty good! I didn’t really use anything else other then those little tools and a skinny kitchen steak knife.


  2. What you are referring to is available in any hardware shop. it looks like a drill bit, but has cutting edges the length of it. No idea how it cuts pumpkin, but they work fine on wood.

  3. A small keyhole saw. Ask at the hardware store.

  4. Dremel tool.

  5. definitely a dremel tool, it has all kinds of attachments. Try to just “scratch” the surface and not cut all the way through, it looks really cool with the light coming through

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