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A Haunting Experience
September 28th, 2008 by mike

emmer asked: I know there are a lot of them out there. I was just wondering if anyone has found a free sight where I can get cool patterns for carving pumpkins

September 28th, 2008 by mike

strawberryred asked: is there any free online stencils that you can print off to carve into pumpkins, i love to carve them and usually do two designs on a large pumpkin, thanks Create a video blog

September 28th, 2008 by mike

macberly m asked: I have some very small pumpkins and I don’t know if they are cooking pumpkins or carving pumpkins. Can you cook and eat carving pumpkins?

September 27th, 2008 by mike

emmer asked: I know there are a lot of them out there. I was just wondering if anyone has found a free sight where I can get cool patterns for carving pumpkins. I meant pumpkin…oops

September 27th, 2008 by mike

unicorncaptin asked: can I use a carving pumpkin, like the ones used for jack-o-lanters for pumpkin pie