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A Haunting Experience
September 28th, 2008 by mike
carving pumpkins
macberly m asked:

I have some very small pumpkins and I don’t know if they are cooking pumpkins or carving pumpkins. Can you cook and eat carving pumpkins?

September 27th, 2008 by mike
carving pumpkins
Luz M asked:

All the pumpkin recipes I’ve found ask for canned pumpkin.

for WordPress

September 27th, 2008 by mike
carving pumpkins
unicorncaptin asked:

can I use a carving pumpkin, like the ones used for jack-o-lanters for pumpkin pie

September 26th, 2008 by mike
carving pumpkins
catniles asked:

I want to make a pumpkin pie with a pumpkin that I got at the store.
The sign said it was a carving pumpkin. I hope it will work.

September 26th, 2008 by mike
carving pumpkins
Chrissy O asked:

I have two large carving pumpkins for the kids to help carve. I would like to be able to bake something (pumpkin cake, bread etc.) using the pulp. I know that I can roast the seeds but I just **** to see all that pulp go to waste.

Thank You,