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A Haunting Experience
carving pumpkins
PoisedKoala asked:

i was under the impression that anyone over the age of five could carve a pumpkin, but my 22 year old girlfriend seems to think she needs me to do it for her… let me know if this is the case.

11 Responses to “can only 26 year old men carve pumpkins?”

  1. well she may be like me and hates to touch the inside of a pumpkin, that gooey disgusting slime shoudl never have to touch my hands. i only like to do the actual carving, such as carving the face, but i trulytruly would love to watch someone do it all for me, i don’t think i find it as fun as others. i’d rather eat pumpkin pie. haha but that’s just me.

  2. I would think she should be ok to do it at 22. There are no warning labels on the pumpkins so good luck to her.

  3. Its probably the fact the you have to use a sharp knief to do it, Id get my bf to do it for me, I dont think he’d let me do it incase i hurt myself, not coz im thick but most men do things like that instead of letting there gf do it

  4. two words… Whooooot tishhhhhhh. that is the sound of you being P-whipped if you do her pumpkin carving for her. The reason she wants you to do it is because NOBODY Enjoys carving pumpkins it is messy and difficult and the end result only lasts a few days. She wants a carved pumpkin but does not want the chore of making it. Dont do it unless for some reason you actually enjoy carving.

  5. She may be afraid to use the knife like that. I know I always make mistakes, and using a big, sharp knife while carving a pumpkin scares me. I guess it’s good that your girlfriend relies on you, but don’t let it get out of hand. Have her “help” you. You cut the hole in the top, but make her scoop out the guts. Make her draw the face on it with a marker, but you cut it out. Make it a team effort.

  6. why people forget about being a kid???
    why don’t u enjoy carving pumpkins together???
    u can have fun together doing anything, unless u feel to old to have fun!!!

  7. oh, I’m laughing and laughing

    my girlfriends and I have been pumpkin carving since our early teens

    everyone in my house and all my girlfriends have to have their own pumpkin on carving day

  8. Why don’t you just show her what a brave, strong, strapping young man you are and carve it.

    She’s just trying to play the damsel in distress. Help her out, or tell her to **** it up and deal.

    The rest of us normal people like to carve our own pumpkins ’cause it’s fun.

  9. Well, I don’t do it because of the insides. I can’t stand the smell or overall grossness. I also have a vomiting phobia which may explain things.
    I always have my husband do it. He’s very artistic and will carve the intricate stuff. Although last year to get me back a bit he carved a basic one, kept all the insides, set it out on the deck step and made it look like the pumpkin had thrown up.
    We haven’t gotten pumpkins yet this year…….

  10. when I was a little girl my father used to do this but I have never done it so I wouldn’t know even though common sense tell you to cut off the top, remove all of the fruit and seeds, maybe even wash it out and let it dry, then take a knife and start cutting but to do it slowly so as not to cut where you weren’t planning on cutting it to begin with and then push out what you have cut out.

  11. it would be a wise & safe idea to have an adult supervise all pumpkin carving….and Not let children under 12 do it…power tol carving is a Big no-no….!
    there are pattern carving kits with safe tools you can by at many stores.

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