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A Haunting Experience
Israel I asked:

I have a Halloween prop that makes noise when a button is pressed… I wish to modify it so it is sound activated how exactly can I go about doing this?

for WordPress

2 Responses to “How to make a device sound activated, like a Halloween prop?”

  1. Install a microphone so that when you speak into it, the current generated will close the on/off switch of the button. If you want any sound to turn it on, then no tuning is necessary. If only a certain level of sound in a specific area, then you will need to include a sensitivity switch and place the microphone where you want it to listen. If Radio Shack still exists in your area, they may have booklets to help you with this. If not, then check the electronics section of your local library.

  2. It might be simpler to just wire in a motion detector switch. So to do that, tape the present switch on all of the time, and put the motion switch to close the hot leg. Then, whenever someone approaches, the prop will make it’s noise.

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