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A Haunting Experience
carving pumpkins
cara_007 asked:

I want to throw a Halloween Wedding, but don’t want to carve pumpkins the morning of. How soon can I carve them and have them ready for the big day, and which way is the best way to store them?

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6 Responses to “How long do carved pumpkins last on average?”

  1. you should do them a night before or 2 to be safe because they won’t last u a whole week for sure

  2. 1st make sure you buy them very fresh. Feel them, if it has soft spots, put it back. If it smells bad, put it back.
    Also, since its for a wedding, there are all types of pumpkins, including white pumpkins. Just as an idea.
    Once you purchase and before carving, store in a dry, cool, place, where it won’t be disturbed by animals or bugs.
    It depends on the weather. If it is cold, below 65 degrees, you can carve them 4-6 days before the wedding.
    If it is warm and muggy, I would suggest not carving more than 2 days prior, so that they don’t start to cave in and also so that the bugs don’t eat them.
    Also to save time and money, you can buy fake pumpkins that look carved. I’ve seen them at Target, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, Dollar store.
    If you have carved pumpkins set to mind and heart, have your bridesmaids, groomsmen and perhaps close family over to help. Provide some munchies, put some scary movies on in the background and have fun with it.
    As gifts, maybe after the wedding, let them take the pumpkins home to display for the trick-or-treaters!
    Congrads on your big day!

  3. The best way to store them is in a Refrigerator and if you live where it is going to freeze put the pumpkins outside BEFORE you carve them this will insure that they last just a bit longer.

  4. With my pumpkins I submerge them in water once they’re carved, like in a cooler or ice chest, they can keep for 3 days or so like that. Another way to keep them fresh is to smear vaseline on all the cut edges to keep the moisture in.
    I also cut the bottoms out of my pumpkins so that the top stem is undisturbed and it’s easier to light them.

  5. I usually do mine two nights before Halloween. I keep them in an extra refrigerator I have during the day and they seem to hold up a lot better. Hope you have fun! Happy Haunting!

  6. rub all exposed surfaces with vaseline, it’s gonna seal it & keep it from spoiling. then, if at all possible – the best way to store them is to put them in the fridge! no kidding, the cold helps preserve the carved pumpkins! That should keep the pumpkins sufficiently fresh for the entire event & into the next day . . .
    Have you thought about lighting a unity jack-o-lantern instead of a plain candle?! lol Carve it with flowers, a dove, other wedding symbols, have it on a stand up at the altar (or where the service is being performed) & light it with taper candles. Have fun & congratulations!!!

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