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A Haunting Experience
carving pumpkins
Sarah asked:

I want to buy a pumpkin but don’t want it to be rotten before Halloween. Can I get one now? What if I carve it, will it rot sooner?

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4 Responses to “How long do carved and uncarved pumpkins last, respectively?”

  1. I don’t know how long they last uncarved. But I would wait to carve it until Oct.30/31st. They get wilty pretty quickly when carved.

  2. Carved pumpkins will last about a week.
    Uncarved pumpkins can last for about a month or more depending on the weather.
    I would buy the pumpkins now and carve them just before Halloween.

  3. I have kept uncarved pumpkins as long as a month.
    Once you carve them, however, you will be lucky to get a few days out of them.

  4. leave it uncarved until Halloween, then carve it. get all of the seeds out it and you can cook them also, but not with the pumpkin pulp. The next day, cut it into portions small enough to put into a pan of water and put it into the oven, or microwave, and heat until the flesh softens and you can remove it.

    Take the skin off of it then, put them into a large pot, add molassas, cinnamon, and butter to the flavor you like, cook that until the hunks break up, and then put it into freezer baqs and freeze it all until you want to eat it. Makes a tasty veggie that is very good for you and your kids will eat it easily. It will taste a lot like sweet potatoes done much the same way.

    You can buy pumpkins the day after halloween for a lot less than the day before.

    You get a lot of stuff to freeze, it will keep until you use it all.

    That makes the price you pay for the pumpkin, and I saw one yesterday for $40.00.

    Pumpkin is in the squash family and is similar to the green winter squash, Hubbard squash, and any recipes for those will work for pumpkin

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