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A Haunting Experience

Learn Halloween games to play at kids’ Halloween parties in this free Halloween planning video. Expert: Matt Cail Contact: www.homepaintings.biz Bio: Matt Cail is an artist who works in oil, water color and acrylic paints, among others. Filmmaker: randy primm

8 Responses to “Kids Halloween Party Ideas : Halloween Party Games for Kids”

  1. Russian ladies online meet now gettop5.info

  2. the marshmellow game isnt safe. ur not supposed to lay down when u eat. u can choke smartttttty

  3. thumbs up for freddy kreuger glove at beginning

  4. I like the 1st game .. but it wont be for kids 😀 yummy thanks Matt *wink* *wink*

  5. the good ol days…. couch campin with some marshmallows and scary stories and a scary movie

  6. cool nice lolz

  7. only 2 comments wow

  8. i love the second game you mentioned the one where you stick your hand in the hollow object i thot it was so fun like they had teeth intestines liver,,, it was awsome then they had another one where you have to take a bite out of an apple of string n wood and its really hard becuz its round!!it was a block party for halloween but it was a neighborhood with like 5 houses only two of them had the games!!!

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