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A Haunting Experience
carving pumpkins
?Y*G*L ? asked:

….I.m already on probation and well….

6 Responses to “Does the bible say anything about carving pumpkins?”

  1. Did they have pumpkins in Africa and Eurasia?

  2. The Bible is a fairy tale

  3. No carve on, Happy Halloween!!

  4. No, why would it?
    The Bible came before jack o’lanterns.
    I don’t think they grew pumpkins in the deserts of the Middle East.

  5. The bible don’t say siht about punkins!

  6. The word “pumpkin” or “pumpkins” is never even mentioned in the bible. Pumpkins are a “new world” plant and so would not have even been known of in the ancient middle east.

    Go to the bottom half of the webpage listed in the source and you can do a search for any word or phrase in the bible and it confirms that the word “pumpkin” does not show up anywhere in the bible.

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